Big Fork Little Fork iPad Videos

Meredith National Media Group

Time Period
Same day delivery for studio production footage

Services provided

  • Production Services
  • Creative Services
  • Digital Delivery

About the Client

Meredith is one of the nation's leading media and marketing companies with businesses centering on magazine and book publishing, television broadcasting, integrated marketing and interactive media.

The Meredith National Media Group features 21 subscription magazines - including Better Homes and Gardens, Family Circle, Ladies' Home Journal, MORE, Parents, Fitness, and American Baby - and approximately 150 special interest publications.

The Project

Post production for Kraft Foods International's "Big Fork Little Fork" iPad app. Via Studios Global was hired to edit, create a custom graphics package for the videos, create an Apple iPad sized "Sizzle Reel" for the videos and digital delivery.

The Goal

Via Studios Global worked closely with Meredith's producers to post 20+ videos for their client Kraft Foods International. VIA Studios Global also created an ultra hip/modern sizzle reel to be used as a promotional piece for Apple.

Sizzle Reel

Click here to view the Big Fork Little Fork Sizzle Reel

Click to Watch